The easy way to get a lot like Facebook Fans Page, Free - You probably already know that social media is absolutely necessary in the world of the internet. Yes, social media is already a great help your online life, to make friends online, promotion, sharing, get information, and more.

In addition, online social media already there are thousands on the net, but for you may be only partially known more familiar, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others. You can also find out more about some of the social media that are already quite popular for users online.

Well, speaking about social media in terms of blog promotion, initially I also wonder how to blog-new blog can get followers so much because if you have many followers of course widen the road business, blogs, promotions and products.

Yes, it turns out that there are indeed ways that are pretty easy to get hundreds or even thousands of followers on your social media, such as facebook page, twitter, and google plus, namely by making use of the facilities at sites of free social media exchange where one user other users help each other. There are indeed lots of sites like this, but here I recommend AddMeFast.

This is the sort of way that is widely used so no wonder you often see many new blog that has thousands of facebook fans page, followers on twitter and google plus. Okay, here I will share one of the ways that you can take advantage of so that you can get facebook fans page and followers on twitter and google plus. here's how:

1. Visit: AddMeFast or AddMeFast

2. Please register in advance, don't forget the confirmation email to complete the registration

3. If already, please login

4. Well, next click the "Add Site/Page", you can enter the URL of YOUR facebook page, twitter, google, plus, or the URL of your blog.

5. content content Your site/page, and click "Save Changes" If suda filled everything, see figure:

The column "Type" = content with your social media site type
The column "Countries" = deselect the "WORLDWIDE" If you want to determine the country of origin of the followers, suppose you just want to get Facebook Fans Page from Indonesia, then select the country of Indonesia. Check "WORDLWIDE" If you want to get followers from all countries.
The column "Tittle" = the content of the title or name of a facebook page, twitter, google, plus, or the URL of your blog
The column "Page URL" = the content of the URL or address of a facebook page, twitter, google, plus, or the URL of your blog
The column "Total Clicks" = click ON and then determine the limits of total clicks, you can also select OFF
The column "Daily Clicks" = click ON and then determine the boundaries of an click, you can also select OFF
The column "PCC" = CPC is cost per click, point maximum of 10. If you've got a lot of points, then you could choose 10 to make it more quickly and if you are new to preferably 4 to save a point.

In addition to Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus, you can also get followers in your other social media, such as Youtube subcribers, Pinterest, Instagram, Sound Cloud, Vine, and others.

How Does It Work?
Bottom line, you need to have a lot of points, the more will be even better, where points are used to get fans or followers. So, you have to be clever-clever earn more points here.

How Do I Get Free Points?
Many ways to get a point, if you want to get free points, click "Free Points" and click one of suppose Facebook Likes, Facebook Share, Facebook Followers, and others. The point is that you get points depending on the number of the CPC offered another user. You can also become an affiliate program where you can earn 300 bonus points for each new user.

How Do I Get Paid Point?
In addition, you can also buy more points in order to more quickly, use Paypal, credit card, Visa, and others.

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2 Responses to "The easy way to get a lot like Facebook Fans Page, Free"

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