MakeBetter.Ml – Social Media or social networking very loved by the general public at this time, Indonesia as well as the world, ranging from children to adults. This cannot be denied again, whenever there is a spare time almost everyone like myself to do online activities on social media.
As we know, that this social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Instagram, Pinterest, BBM, Line, and others. The simple reason why many people who mengandrungi social media is an online interaction with mobile technology can bring practical everywhere, so everyone can do it whenever and wherever they are.
Read the following article:
5 reasons why You need a Social Media
Top 11 most popular Social Media in the world.
As for social media have an important role are very powerful for society nowadays, would I auto summary in some point below:
1. Online Communications
By utilizing social media or social networking, everyone can communicate online, such as chat, notifications, and invitations. Even for those who are already accustomed to, communication in social media more effectively than via call or sms mobile.
2. Online interactions Fellow
Because of the nature of the media that is used for social and public, then various online activities can do here, online interactions from one person to other people. This social interaction can be a status update, comment, add new friends, and others.
3. Search for information, news and Knowledge
Social media contains a myriad of information, news, science, knowledge, and current news, and even information-such information more quickly spread through social media than electronic media such as TV.
4. Add your friends and Online communities
Social media as well as a place to get to know new people and make a specific community, so that we can get to know many people in various areas without having to meet, also created a community with the idea or the same hoby.
5. A friend who is always there At your own
Social media has always been a friend to the users in the users feel lonely during internet access can still connect. Social media can fill the days and time the empty person, this is the case in General.
6. Get Entertainment
Feeling sad, stress, saturated is the feeling that could befall anyone any time depending on the conditions. One of the efforts made someone if he feels sad, stress, saturated, and loneliness is a entertainment with a visit to social media. Yes, of course it's not just entertainment to fill the void of time and mind, but also getting entertainment according to something she liked.
7. As a means of Promotion
Promotion in social media is no longer sound familiar, because it has become one of its role, introduce new products, promote blog, and other sebagianya. The reason is to introduce and invite other people to be able to enjoy its products.
Read: How To Easily Get Many like Of Facebook Fans Page, Free.
8. As a means of Business
For those who own a business, social media has also become a great stepping stone for developing its business. You may have already seen it often, as sale of goods in social media, sharing links to earn money, and etc.
9. As a means of Sharing and the sharing of
Social media is also often used for sharing information that is useful for many people, from one person to many other people. By sharing that information, then expected a lot of people who know the information in national and international scale. For example, if you found the article very useful for many people, then it is likely you will distribute the article to temamu.
10. A place to express yourself
Self-expression this can-shaped pictures, videos and words. One example of the expression form of the image is selfie, whereas the expression form of the video is uploading things funny and etc so that your friends can watch it, as for the expression of a form of words will be explained on the next point.
11. Place Vent personal problems
Vent is a form of self expression, usually with words. Pique, sadness, happiness, status, and other sebagianya is an example of self expression that is too often you see in social media.
12. Contact Partner
As it turns out, many people are getting love from introductions through social media. Initially it is indeed just an introduction, friendship, encounters, then continues up to the altar. But be careful because lots of scams with mode model search partner.
13. Popularize Yourself
Social media can also just make someone known by many public, either intentional or unintentional skarena. This kind of popular usually because that person has a unique thing that attracts attention, information began to spread from shaing one person to another.
14. Follow the artist's Idol
For ara artist, sanat social media will help to get followers and fans. So also with the fans, they can easily find their idol artists and follow the latest status of each activity.
15. The doctrine of spreading Beliefs
Social media is also a means to spread their religious beliefs. You may have seen a group or community with a label of any religion, it contains some advice, instruction, and things that are terkat with the imu.
16. Move the Community
Issues such as politics, Governments, tribes, and religious, is a serious problem that could invite a lot of responses and actions. One of the efforts to respond to the Affairs of such problems is usually done through a social media account, feedback in the form of criticism, censure, and defense.
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